Yashi Srivastava

Self-awareness and Positive Psychology Coach

You Can Breathe NOW

Yesterday, I had an unusually busy morning.

From the moment I woke up at 6 am, I was running around.

First, to get to the gym. Then, to come home and get my daughter’s lunch box ready. Then, to register for some time-sensitive activities for my kids. Then, to take the kids to school and daycare. And within 15 minutes of getting back after the drop-offs, I had 3 hours of back to back calls.

Those 15 minutes between drop-offs and calls had been bookmarked for a quick breakfast.

When I was returning home after dropping my kids off, a part of me was very frustrated with me.

Why did you overbook yourself? There’s no room to even catch a breath!

And then, another voice from inside of me spoke up: Well, you can breathe NOW.

I was struck by the simplicity and truth of that statement.

Yes. It had been a crazy morning.

Yes. I had overbooked myself.

Yes. I was rushing home to have enough time to have breakfast and get on my calls.

But the drive was going to take the amount of time it was going to take.

How was staying in a state of stress going to help me?

And so, in the final few minutes that were left on my drive back, I let myself relax.

I took deeper breaths.

I paid attention to my breathing.

And within a couple of minutes, I was feeling calmer and more grounded.

So often in life, we keep looking ahead to a potential future that never arrives.

When I finish my calls for the day, then I can take a breath.

Once I accomplish that, then I can relax.

When I have that, then I will be happy.

When in reality, there’s always more.

More calls, more tasks, more stuff.

And all this while, life is happening. Right this moment. Right here. Right now.

What have you been holding your breath for?

How about you let yourself breathe?

Really. You can breathe NOW.



