I am SO glad you want to work with me!

But first,
3 reasons NOT to work with me
I know, I know.
You came here because you were curious about working with me, and here I am, trying to turn you away. Weird, eh?
If you hang around long enough, you’ll learn that I’ve always been a weirdo in the world of business – vehemently and proudly defying most norms about how a business “should” operate. (Have I mentioned I am allergic to shoulds yet?)
In a moment, I’ll tell you how we could work together – I promise. But, if any of the following is true for you, we won’t get much far working together anyway. Why waste our
precious time?
That’s why I want to start by sharing 3 reasons not to work with me:
- If you have a problem with words like soul and spirituality, you won’t enjoy being in my space.
- If you think the solution to all your problems lies in the external world: other people, life’s unfairness, bad luck, I won’t be able to help you.
- If you’re looking for quick, easy, painless ways to transform your life, we won’t be a good fit.
Here’s the truth
I am trained in the science of happiness, AND I am spiritual.
I believe that each of us is a soul on a unique journey on this planet.
I also believe that inner work is what leads to outer transformations.
Finally, I believe that life is beautiful and messy, joyful and painful, exciting and boring. Living well doesn’t mean living without difficulties. It means thriving despite challenges.
If my approach doesn’t resonate with you, that’s okay. Thanks for stopping by and I wish you all the best!
But if you’re still reading because a part of you wants more of what I am talking about, welcome!
I am glad you’re here!
Here's How You Can Work With Me
Join me for free Drop-in Coaching
If you’re stuck in an important area of your life and want to make progress, join these sessions for a chance to receive free coaching from me.
This is for you if:
- You’re curious about how coaching works
- Feel stuck in an important area at work or in life
- Have a specific, future-oriented goal/challenge that you want to work through
How it works:
- Each Drop-in Coaching session has 5 spots available, with time for several people to receive personalized, 1:1 coaching in real-time. While not everyone is guaranteed a turn, even observing other people get coached can lead to unexpected insights and new perspectives.
What You Can Get from Drop-in Coaching:
- Clarity around a specific issue or challenge that’s holding you back.
- Actionable insights to help you make meaningful changes in your life.
- The chance to witness real-time transformations as others are coached through their own challenges, giving you valuable new perspectives.
Sometimes, coaching can feel like a huge investment. What if it’s not right for you? What if you can’t spend thousands of dollars on it? What if you need something
flexible you can sign-up for when you need it?
Enter: One-off coaching sessions! The goodness of deep coaching with freedom and flexibility.
This is for you if:
- You want the benefits of coaching without making a long-term commitment.
- Don’t have a pressing challenge that requires ongoing work with a coach
- Don’t want to make a big financial investment without understanding if that’s what you want
How it works:
- Book a single session with me based on when you need it. Simple as that!
What You Can Get from One-off Coaching Sessions:
- Deep, personalized 1:1 coaching with me that will help you make progress on a specific topic
- Curated, relevant resource(s) that will help you continue moving forward on your own
Book A One-off
Coaching Session
About coach Yashi
Apply for Deep 1:1
This is the most transformative way to work with me. If you’re ready to commit to deep, lasting transformation – whatever it takes – then this is the offering for you.
Together, we will dive deeper into what will it take for you, in particular, to live a deeply fulfilling life.